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Women on the move UK is a prophetic & apostolic prayer movement.

Our vision is to develop a community of women who will rise up in prayer who will stand up as a banner of hope and light to bring salvation, deliverance and hope in this crucial hour in history and make a difference over our nation.

Dates for your diary

Monthly meetings have resumed on the 1st Saturday of the month. We have our Friday zoom meetings from 8-10pm.

  • Intercessory prayer every Friday at 8pm on Zoom.

  • From the 27th to the 1st July , prayer and fasting with 45 minutes daily prayer on zoom

  • summer prophetic conference will take place on 8th (youth meeting)& 9th July 2022 in whitton communtity centre (full flyer below for full details)

  • DORIS WILL BE PREACHING AT International Centre prayer IN birmingham ON Saturday 30th july 2022 for their prophetic conference retreat “pour your spirit out”

  • DORIS WILL BE PREACHING AT jubilree church, the royals women’s conference IN bedfont ON SaturdaY 13th august 2022

    Please contact or go onto our Facebook page for further details on any of the above


Summer Conference 2022,SERMONS & TEACHINGS


If you would like more details about the event please email us at

Nehemiah: How to build teaching series


To join in with the teaching for the up and coming dates in this series please contact us by sending an email to or check out our Facebook page

  •  12th October 2020  -  Nehemiah Part 2

  • 26th October 2020 - Nehemiah Part 3

  • 15th November 2020 - Nehemiah Part 4

  • 23rd November 2020 -Nehemiah Part 5

  • 1st February 2021 - Nehemiah Part 6

  • 1st March 2021 - Nehemiah Part 7

Join Women on the move UK

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Monthly meetings

We usually meet every month on the first Saturday of the month. Please join us for fellowship, prophetic worship, life transforming words, prayer and intercession from 10am to 12pm at Whitton Methodist Church, Percy Road, TW2 6JL. Refreshments provided

All women and men welcome! Keep updated by following our Facebook page

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Our next conference “Discerning the times and impacting our nations” will take place on the 8th July (youth meeting)and 9th July for all in Whitton Community Centre, Percy Road, TW2 6JL

Our previous conferences are available on YouTube

Click here to visit our Facebook page

It was very encouraging to see over 30 churches represented at our Living beyond the veil summer conference in 2019! Only God could have made it possible for so many women to gather together. Women came from the UK, France, Mauritius, America and as far as Gabon Africa.

From the word go, we could feel the tangible presence of the Holy Spirit through our worship. Experiencing the love of the Father with our sisters in Christ was just wonderful. The meetings were overflowing with the prophetic. We were greatly encouraged and transformed by God’s word. Being in the presence of the Lord brought healing, deliverance and rich encounters with the Holy Spirit. Many were awakened in their spirits, in their identity as the bride of Christ. As we responded to the beckoning call of the Bridegroom king we moved deeper in intimacy and tasted that the Lord is good!!


School of Grace

Discover our flagship project! We work hard to support the construction of a school for the poor and orphans in Kindele / KINSHASA in Congo. Become a participant in this project by giving for the construction of the building or by sponsoring a child for the year so that he has access to an education. All information on the links below. Read more

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Prayer & Intercession

We believe in a powerful and Almighty God who hears and answers our prayers. Join us for our weekly intercessory prayer meetings on zoom. Every Friday night at 8pm . For details on how to join the zoom meeting please email

If you have a prayer need or a burden - we would love to pray for you. Our intercessors meet regularly to pray for the needs of our members, the church and our nation.

PRAYER MAKES A DIFFERENCE - Check out our Prayer wall.