Our Vision

The Lord announces the word, and the women who proclaim it are a mighty throng:Kings and armies flee in haste; the women at home divide the plunder.
— Psalm 68:11-12

Women on the Move UK is a women's prayer movement, supported by men, led by anointed women whose purpose is to encourage, build and equip women to enter their destiny as victorious and virtuous women according to the heart of God.

Women on the Move UK is a prophetic and apostolic prayer movement which believes that hearing God’s heart is crucial in this hour. We envision and equip women to enter into their calling and to be witnesses for Christ. We pray for women to be restored in their identity, we pray for healing and restoration for the broken-hearted. We support single parent families, poor widows and orphans in the nations.

Our mission is to raise up an army of praying women who will stand up as a banner of hope and light and who will make a difference over our nation. WOM UK are women of faith and action. We come from different churches, backgrounds, talents, gifts, personality, but together, united in one vision and with one heart. We are driven by the same passion to fulfil God’s vision for the extension of the Kingdom of God.

Doris Higgins
Chief Executive Officer, WOMUK

Summer conference 2018

Summer conference 2018