Monthly Meetings


Women on the move UK believe that it should be the goal of every Christian to become a disciple of Christ by growing towards spiritual maturity through the knowledge of and obedience to the Word of God and submission to the Holy Spirit. Believers must seek the fullness of the Spirit since it is His influence that will bring about victorious Christian living on earth. We believe that every true Christian is to be a dynamic part of a local church since this is God’s primary context for spiritual development and community impact.

We meet every month on the first Saturday of the month. Due to COVID all our live meetings have been suspended until further notice

If you would like to join our weekly Friday evening Zoom meeting, please email for details.

Please join us for fellowship, worship, prayer and intercession.

All women welcome!

Our next annual conference will be in July 2021. Details to follow in due course.



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Femmes en Marche France

Femmes en Marche Gabon

Femmes en Marche Mauritius

Femmes en Marche Democratic Republic of the Congo

WOM International

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France -Christian Centre of Mantes -La-Jolie February 2020

Connections Germany April 2020

Democratic Republic of the Congo May/June 2020 (TBC)

If you would like to join us on any of the above missions, please email