Our flagship project

The School of Grace.


The School Of Grace
Following years of political unrest and war, the Democratic Republic of the Congo has been left with nearly 2 million orphans. With no social services many of the children are left to their own devices. The field of education throughout the DRC, proves that more schools are needed to provide for a growing generation of children living in poverty

A few words about the project

The majority of children who are old enough to attend school (many of whom are orphans), are often neglected and left to fend for themselves. Poor families do not have the resources necessary to get out of poverty.

It is important for us to remember that these children are perceived as burdens and are sadly too often forgotten by the rest of the community. These young children need an education to enable them to break out of the cycle of poverty and walk fully into their destiny. Education is a way to produce a well-trained, a qualified workforce and future leaders.

Why are we building a school?

Schools in the local communities are mostly for-profit with extortionate tuition fees, which prevent orphaned children and the poorest families to access education.

The goal of our project is to offer opportunities to poor families with very little financial means to send their children to school so that they receive an integral education. Join us and together let us make a difference to these lives!