Living Beyond The Veil: WOM 2019 Conference


Our Living beyond the veil conference took place in July 2019.

The theme of the conference was living beyond the veil. We had some amazing breakthroughs leading up to the conference during our time of prayer and fasting (please feel free to visit our prayer wall) and during the conference weekend.

It was very encouraging to see over 30 churches represented at our Living beyond the veil summer conference this year! Only God could have made it possible for so many women to gather together. Women came from the UK, France, Mauritius, America and as far as Gabon Africa.

From the word go, we could feel the tangible presence of the Holy Spirit through our worship. Experiencing the love of the Father with our sisters in Christ was just wonderful. The meetings were overflowing with the prophetic. We were greatly encouraged and transformed by God’s word. Being in the presence of the Lord brought healing, deliverance and rich encounters with the Holy Spirit. Many were awakened in their spirits, in their identity as the bride of Christ. As we responded to the beckoning call of the Bridegroom king we moved deeper in intimacy and tasted that the Lord is good!!

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What a joy to experience the conference with our sisters in Christ from 4 different continents. It was just awesome! Being in the presence of the Lord was rich in healing, deliverance and encounters with the Holy Spirit. We were grounded deeper in Christ and in his Word! 

