New Year 2020 Prayer & Fasting Day 5


"And they sang a new song, saying: 'You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood, you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation."

Sometimes when we are in the midst of trials, we forget that Jesus has won the victory!  That death is defeated and we have an eternal inheritance.  Our names are written in the Lamb’s book of Life.  What a privilege, what an honour.  So let us look from a different perspective and see that what we are now facing is temporary.  Our struggles, and pain may seem monumental today, but weeping endures for a night, whilst joy comes in the morning...

We are in a brand new year and a new decade.  The number 20 symbolizes the cycle of completeness and is often connected to a perfect period of waiting, labour or suffering that is then rewarded.  Think of Jacob who had to wait 20 years to get his wives and property before his father-in-law would release him; and 20 years before the Israelites were freed from the oppression of Jabin, king of Canaan before God raised up Deborah to free them.

Many of us have been in a period of waiting to see God answer specific prayers.  I believe this is the year we see seals broken off tombs and promises that have seemed dead – suddenly come to life. 

Doris Celestin-Higgins