New Year 2020 Prayer & Fasting Day 7


Today we are going to be praying for our families and marriages.

PROMISE OF BLESSING God promised Abram I will bless you and make your name great and you shall be a blessing… in you, all the families of the earth shall be blessed. God called Abraham, his family, his children and all his descendants thereafter. We have also been brought into a new covenant by faith in the blood of Jesus. We pray today that the blessings will overflow from us to our families and for many generations to come. May all our children be taught of the Lord and great be the peace of our children. Isaiah 54:13

PROMISE OF PROTECTION Exodus 12.3 Everyman shall take for himself a lamb for a household and God promised when I see the blood I shall pass over You. We plead the blood of Jesus over our doorposts and over our houses.

PROMISE OF SALVATION Rahab in faith declared I know that the Lord has given you the land Joshua 2:9 and prays ” Spare my father, my brothers, my sisters and all they have, and deliver our lives from death. We also pray this prayer for our families.“ The red cord hanging from Rahab’s window made sure that all the people in the house were kept safe. We pray that the blood of Jesus will plead for our family and bring salvation to all.  As we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ we will be saved and our household. Acts 16:31

 Father, we thank you that our families are under your blessing and we claim your promises for household salvation healing and deliverance into every member of our family. All the promises of God in Him are YES and in Him Amen 2 Cor 1:20

Doris Celestin-Higgins