WOM 21 Day Fast Week 2


Do you know what time it is?

This is a kairos time – an appointed time in the purposes of God.  Just as the sons of Issachar knew the times and seasons they lived in – my question is:

“Do we know what time we are living in?”

We are half-way through our 21 day Daniel fast.  Let us not give up now.  Daniel mourned on behalf of his nation.  He set himself apart and denied himself the comforts and luxuries he would normally have enjoyed to seek God.  An angel was despatched to Daniel, saying:  “Do not be afraid.  Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and humble yourself before your God, your words have been heard”. 

In this “pause” moment, where God has pressed the reset button on our frenetic lives, let us continue to humble ourselves and set ourselves apart.  In the space that has been created for many of us, let’s not rush to fill that space with entertainment, social media, worry, anxiety...... Instead let us run to our heavenly Father – just like the prodigal son who came to his senses, and found a loving father ready to embrace him.  He is beckoning us deeper: “Return to me declares the Lord, and I will return to you” (Zech 1:3).  He is looking for Obed-Edom’s who will host his presence well (2 Samuel 6:11).

Let’s not partner with the world and become confused and fearful, instead align our thinking with that of heaven.  Just as Joshua could not enter the Promised Land until there had been a time of consecration, circumcision and healing.  God “rolled away the reproach of Egypt from them” and went before them to defeat their enemies.  God will do the same for us!

Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” (John 11:40)

God is about to pour forth the biggest end-time revival in history.  The springs of the great deep and the floodgates of heavens will burst open.  Not to bring a physical flood but a spiritual one. To saturate this dry land and pour forth His Living Waters.

As the storm clouds gather, let’s be Storm Warriors – praying and believing that our Lord of Hosts goes before us and we are part of his end-time army. Arise, my sisters, for now, is the time to shine!