Now is the new Era

Last night we offered our fast to the Lord as an offering. There was such a sense of urgency in my spirit. I just felt the need to be ready for what is ahead. Worship and war. Two words very different yet intertwined inexplicably in the spirit. In 2021 we choose to worship the Lord Jesus and Him alone. Worship is an act of war when we are proclaiming that we will not bow down to any idol, ideology, pandemic or any other god whatever form it might take.

This is what Sue from WOM UK had to say "Yes, NOW is the new Era. Now is the time. New - never seen or done before, therefore, nothing to rely on. The Word, calls us to come into His Chambers. To 'Come Away My Beloved' The call that You have been hastening in your people for the last days, weeks, years.

I heard the Lord saying "Call to Me, and I WILL answer in that still small voice. Seek Me, whilst you may, for I am coming O so soon, to gather My Bride, My beautiful Bride.

So, be ready for me to fashion you, My Bride, as I did Adam, from the bowels of the earth. See how I am raising men and women together in these last days, as it should always have been. My sons and my handmaidens working together, as a team in unity.

Only believe and you will see the Glory of God. My Kingdom coming to earth, as it is in Heaven. Ask of Me, and I shall give you the nations - the families, the communities, the schools, the places of worship, the new banking systems, that are in seed form, the benefactors. Whatever I have done so far is only a part of what I shall accomplish.

Walk with Me, talk with Me, worship me, pray in tongues. I will guide you with My Eye into all that you should do, to serve Me from a pure and loving heart to fulfil the destiny that I have called you to.

I AM the God of 'suddenlies', restoring the years the locusts have eaten. Much is to be accomplished in these days. I am the God of Miracles, the God who Sees - ALL. El Rohi. There is nothing that escapes my All-Seeing eye! How blessed are we You are the Awesome, Mighty, Majestic God and Jesus sits at Your Right Hand, and You have given Your Holy Spirit to reside within Your People to rule AND Reign on this earth. Yo have given us the Authority that You have died for, to SET MEN FREE!

Oh that we would see as You see, Holy Spirit.

We give you our lives afresh today. We reconsecrate our lives back to you. We know that of ourselves, we can do nothing.

But, a willing vessel, You can use.

Make us willing, O Lord, to be all that You have destined us to be.

I know we are going into turbulent times, unchartered territory, but You O Lord are the Lord of Hosts and it's the storms that declare that you are the All powerful Son of God. Sue (WOM UK)

Doris Celestin-Higgins