Sitting at His Feet

We know that in God’s perfect timing, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that He is Lord. Yet as believers, as sons and daughters of the Living God, we are given the incredible privilege of sitting at his feet.

In this posture, we still ourselves and take a place of humility, surrender and adoration. Like little children rushing to greet their daddy when he returns home from work – we throw ourselves before Him and gaze intently into His eyes of fire. What an honour we have been given……………yet how often do we linger and wait upon our Lord – bringing hearts full of praise and thanksgiving and sharing our lives completely with Him? He is a jealous God and will not share His glory with another. How often we short-change Him, and ourselves, of the joy of spending time just listening and waiting upon Him.

I have been struck with the words of this worship song:

“If praise is like perfume, I’ll lavish mine on you, ‘till every drop is gone, I’ll pour my love on you.

Like oil upon your feet, like wine for you to drink, like water from my heart, I’ll pour my love on you”

Let us be like the woman with the alabaster jar, who washed the feet of Jesus with her tears, anointed his feet with her precious oil and dried his feet with her hair. All of what she had and all of who she was – given in sacrifice, submission, humility, thanksgiving and adoration.

Let us be like Mary who chose the better part and left the rushing and busyness of life to her sister. Mary “sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said”. Jesus told her sister “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed, Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her” (Luke 10:41)

It’s at the feet of Jesus we receive healing. The woman with the issue of blood bowed down low to touch the hem of His garment – and was completely delivered. Steadfast, determined, resolute in her pursuit of the Messiah. Nothing would distract her from reaching out in faith and receiving life transforming power from the Lord Almighty.

Even Jesus humbled himself and washed the feet of his disciples, modelling humility to us. When we try to elevate ourselves we come to ruin. Like Herod who dressed in silver robes and accepted the praises of man who called him a god – because he had not given the glory to God, was immediately struck down and was eaten by worms! When we acknowledge our weakness and frailty, the Lord takes us earthbound caterpillars and transforms us into spirit filled butterflies.

Thankful, adoring, expectant and teachable hearts will be found at the feet of Jesus. Where will you choose to be? Melissa (WOM UK)

Doris Celestin-Higgins