Summer Conference 2019 Prayer & Fasting Day 2

 As we press into this week – a time of drawing closer to God and turning away from the things of this world – this verse comes to mind:

“….pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith…” (1 Timothy 6:11-12)

Sometimes life can feel like an up-hill struggle but we are called to pursue righteousness – to keep pressing forward – to fight! This walk of faith is a daily choice – a daily surrender to the Lord and a turning away from self, me, I.

Not my will Lord but thine!

My prayer this week is that we all seek more of Him and in that seeking we lay ourselves down at His feet. To the God who made us and formed us and knit us together in the secret place – only He can give us the desires of our heart – only He can bring refreshment to a weary and parched soul. Lord have your way.