Summer Conference 2019 Prayer & Fasting Day 3


“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you” James 4:8
In the biblical context of this verse, we are being called to humble ourselves and submit to God as cleansed and sanctified vessels

But I also see the Spirit calling us as daughters to encounter the love of God the Father as we draw near.
From the beginning God has always had a father’s heart and wanted to share that love with a family and we are that family as believers.

Whether we are aware of it or not the cry of our heart deep inside is to see the father, to taste of the goodness of his love, and have a deeper revelation of the father’s heart;That love that caused him to give his only son as a ransom for us ,to rescue us from the enemy and reconcile us as one with Him.
He has given us the spirit of adoption crying out “Abba father” revealing our true identity and our position as daughters. As adopted children we have access to the father’s heart. Being adopted speaks of our legal position of privilege in which as heirs we have all the family name, resources and estate.
As we continue our spiritual journey let us open our hearts and truly allow the love of the father to be poured into us, that love that is unconditional,that love that casts out all our fears and makes us be the women that God has called us to be.

“Behold what manner of love the father has bestowed on us that we should be called daughters of God”
Father God,today as we draw near and run into your arms , we receive your love as you pour it in us abundantly in Jesus name ! Pray that the women who will attend the conference will receive and overflow with His love!! To register for the conference go to